LAC – Laboratório de Actividades Criativas wishes to offer all those interested the possibility of contributing to the development of the LAC project. In this sense the statute FRIEND OF LAC is created. With the adhesion to this statute the FRIEND OF LAC benefits from:
Activities (Concerts, Shows, Workshops, etc)
PRALAC Monthly fee – Annual Projects;
Acquisition of editions (catalogs, postcards, etc)
Consumption of bar products at LAC’s headquarters;
Participation in exclusive activities;
You are also entitled to:
Attend the LAC space;
Access the Documentation Center;
Receive monthly information on the Association’s activity.
Annual Quota: 25€
Annual Renewal
The membership proposal may be submitted: at LAC’s Office or on-line through the following form. Online membership: payment by bank transfer to the nib/iban indicated with the sending of proof.
NIB / IBAN LAC: PT50 0045 7191 40042784914 53
+ info > 282 084 959 /
Note: Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your personal data will serve exclusively for this process and will never be disclosed to third parties.