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PRALAC Form – Annual Residencies


This program is the result of the previous competition for the cession of ateliers and aims at the annual cession of 11 cells to artists living in the Western Algarve, with the objective of promoting local artistic production, creating creation laboratories and stimulating contact between diverse artistic areas.

Access to this program is made through the presentation of a project that aims at the development of artistic creation on a continuous basis.

Those interested should apply annually for the artistic residency competition for the Western Algarve annual projects, which takes place every year during the month of December.

(It is advisable to save the answers on a separate document, in the event that an error occurs and the answers to the form are not saved).


Regulation - Annual ResidencyRegulation - Cell UtilizationAudiovisual Equipment RequestShort Term Applications

    About the Artist(s)

    Name / Artistic Name

    Address, City and Postal Code

    Date of Birth

    ID Number / Passport & Validity



    Telephone no.


    Other Artists in the Project (Collectives/Bands)

    About the Project

    Name / Project Title

    Artistic Area

    What are your motivations to propose an annual artistic residency at LAC?

    Specify the methodology and/or materials and techniques to be used in your project

    Do you plan to execute any activity to the public or in interaction with other artists in residency at LAC? If yes, speficy and justify in accordance with the calendarization, target public and place of the presentation.

    Public Presentations/Exhibitions expected with the project applied (place of presentation; calendar - number of exhibitions and season, target public)

    What kind of support do you expect to be necessary from the Direction of the Association's behalf in relation to your project


    - Synopsis of the applicant's project;
    - Description of the objectives and motivations of the project;
    - Portfolio or information that helps understanding the applicant's path;
    - Curriculum of the applying artist;
    - Annual report, in case this is an application renewal.

    (max. 200Mb / formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, HEIF, GIF, PDF, DOCX)