ARTURb 2024 Guided Tours
Dates: September 28, October 19 and 26
Time: from 10am to 1pm
Location: LAC – Laboratório de Actividades Criativas
Price: 10€ p/person (includes ARTURb passport + sticker kit)
Guided tour of the ARTURb 2024 exhibition, the new murals created during this edition and previous editions. Visit led by the LAC Education Service.
Registrations until 2 days before the visit, in LAC’s office or completing the form below.
On-line registrations: Payment by bank transfer to the following NIB/IBAN, along with the confirmation of transfer.
NIB / IBAN LAC > PT50 0045 7191 40042784914 53
Att: No attendance at the workshop does not entitle the participant to a refund of the registration fee.
Note: Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your personal data will serve exclusively for this process and will never be disclosed to third parties.