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Guest Artist: Maria Ramos
16 to 20 Nov 2015 – E.B. 2.3. Tecnopólis, Lagos


Through choreographic composition games and movement exercises, we will dance and create choreographies, two by two and in groups. I’ll start!
Let’s do the choreography of everyday life, the one we do every day without realizing it, and the choreography that birds do when they fly in flocks. Have you seen the choreographies that the flocks do in the sky? How they can fly so close together and change direction so quickly without running into each other has always made me wonder.
But before we start to analyze these two choreographic cases, we have to warm up well each of the joints of our body. Do you know what a joint is? And do all the joints in our body move in the same way? Humm, I doubt it, but only by experimenting.



has been living and developing her choreographic work in Lisbon since 2009.
She is choreographer and author of the ongoing Dance project A Certain Degree of Immobility, a cycle of choreographic pieces that focuses on the relationship between dance and sculpture with the work of sculptor Antony Gormley as reference and object of study.
Since 2012, invited by Fórum Dança, she teaches regular classes of Contemporary Dance, namely, open classes and workshops that explore the languages of contemporary dance from a technical and creative point of view, aimed at professional and non-professional audiences, and in the courses PEPCC (Choreographic Research and Creation) and CDC (Dance in the Community Course), aimed at professional audiences.
In the context of her choreographic work, Maria Ramos was invited to teach at the Conservatório das Artes da Madeira; ArtEZ Institute of the Arts; Glasgow Center for Contemporary Art; The North Wall Arts Center, Oxford; Espacio LEM (Buenos Aires) and developed several Dance Workshops in several national theaters for children, youth and adults.
In Portugal, Maria Ramos did her dance training with teachers and choreographers of the so called Portuguese New Dance, among them Sofia Neuparth, Amélia Bentes, Peter Michael Dietz, Clara Andermatt and Francisco Camacho. Later on, in the Netherlands, she did her training at the Arnhem Arts Institute, contemporary dance department – European Dance Development Centre.
Also remarkable for the development of his work, even on a pedagogical level, was the training with the Goat Island Performance Group and with Choreographer/Director Angus Balbernie, with whom he has collaborated since 2000.