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Laboratory of Collaborative Artistic Practices
Camões, por que te consumo – Visual Culture and Identity

Date: February 12, 2025
School: EB 2/3 Júdice Fialho


Can we approach and absorb Os Lusíadas like candy? And then, what remains (of the candy and of this epic work that has been imperative in Portuguese education since its conception)? Through analogies with the visual culture of our times, how we consume it and what we create from it, each class will collaborate in sharing cultural elements that captivate them, establish relationships and visualize the work of the (good and bad) famous writer from a graphic perspective, at a formal and content level.


MadFildz has a degree in Painting from FBAUL (2010) and a Master’s degree in Fine Arts (2012). She has specialized in mosaics, developed installation projects and curated projects in various contexts. Her work reflects an interest in the issues of technology vs. genetics and nature. She is currently developing pieces that propose to question canons through the evocation of stereotypes, with particular emphasis on everyday objects associated with the spectrum of the human female – not in opposition to them, but in their (de)appropriation. She joined LAC in 2020, and since August 2021 has been coordinating the Association’s Educational Service.