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Introduction to Screen Printing Workshop – August 18, 2018
02pm > 06pm
Place: LAC
Price: 25€ (all material included)


Part 1 – the theoretical basics of screen printing in general will be covered, using examples of work already done by Officina Noctua.

Part 2 – participants will begin to experiment with screen printing on paper, using paper cut-outs to create the shapes that will be printed.

Part 3 – In this phase, we will start experimenting with overlapping several prints in different colors and other more or less random effects that can be achieved through silkscreen printing.

Part 4 – Each participant will create a design that will be printed on a t-shirt or other textile that will be provided by the participant.


Officina Noctua is a project that covers several areas. Among them are design (graphic and web), handmade screen printing on paper as well as on textiles, the restoration of antiques and the sale of second hand objects. We also have a project that is in the implementation phase, which is related to birdwatching and will have two distinct strands: one for environmental education and the other for nature tourism.