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02 e 03 de Maio


LAC – Laboratório Actividades Criativas was forced by the current circumstances to close its spaces and suspend and postpone all ongoing programming. In a first phase, we stayed as if in a “suspended state”, then, like many other structures, we felt the need to take advantage of the experience of these times, especially of what positive it can bring us – another (or more) freedom of action associated to two great needs; one, to find other imaginative experiences of programming and production in order to continue to create opportunities for creators, artists, cultural agents and technical teams involved that make the events happen, and on the other hand, to repay the manifests of support coming from the public that follows us, institutions and numerous partnerships that we have built throughout our existence.

In this context, we launched a collaborative challenge to the nearly 35 artists that integrate the 19 individual and collective projects in residence at LAC, with the aim of exploring other formats of an event that has been with us regularly for a long time: The LAC – Open Day, an event that annually gives the public in general and the city of Lagos in particular, the result of the works created over a year in residence, as well as the dynamics of the Association.

LAC – Closed Day (At Home) will be presented on May 2nd and 3rd, exclusively on LAC’s digital platforms Facebook and Instagram. Thus and given the current circumstances and in a spirit of positivity, we invite everyone, in general, in this phase of confinement, to get to know closely the “work in progress” of the creators and artists, the new projects that are being developed and the new processes and ways of working that we had to (re)invent.

There will be 2 days of intensive activity presented on LAC’s digital platforms with images, videos, and direct (mapped) shots of the artists in residence and guests:

A Pedro Correia – Visual Arts
Annika von Schuetz – Visual Arts (Guest)
Carlos Norton – Sound Design
Daniel Bastos – Music (Convidado)
Cursed Disciples – Music
Joao Costa – Puppet Theater
Jorge Pereira Nothanks – Visual Arts
Lollirockers Djs – Music
Madalena de Campos – Visual Arts
Millie Wilkins – Visual Arts
Plasticine – Music
Prayers Of Sanity – Music
Raymond Dumas – Sculpture
Ricardo Lopes – Ceramics
RoMP (Rita Pereira) – Sculpture
Staccato Limão – Music
SONDA – Music
Tars8two – Visual Arts
The Offshores – Music (Guests)
VIL – Music
Xana – Visual Arts
Yummy Industries – Visual Arts