Oil Painting Workshop with Tom di Capite
Date: November 30
Time: from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Target audience: over 16
Price: 30€ p/person – materials included
A half day course describing the very basis of oil painting for beginners. An overview of the basic materials needed to begin oil painting. A description of what oil painting is and its advantages and challenges when compared to other painting mediums. Information that will be useful when buying your first paints and brushes. A description of how to lay out a basic palette and how to clean and protect tools and brushes after use. Demonstration on priming a canvas and of how entry level and professional quality oil paints compare. An introduction to painting techniques.
“I have been painting with oil paints for over 30 years. After studying art through my schooling in England, I graduated with a BA in 2007. Since then, I have co-founded an art studio and worked on various collaborative events and solo exhibitions. Although I often work on various paint mediums and styles, my core passion has always been working in oil paints for their unrivaled vibrancy and ‘feel’ as well as their historically proven longevity.” – Thomas Dicapite
Registration until November 28 at LAC’s office or by filling in the form below.
On-line registrations: Payment by bank transfer to the following NIB/IBAN, along with the confirmation of transfer.
NIB / IBAN LAC > PT50 0045 7191 40042784914 53
Att: No attendance at the workshop does not entitle the participant to a refund of the registration fee.
Note: Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your personal data will serve exclusively for this process and will never be disclosed to third parties.