Portefólio #02 Exhibition, by Ricardo Rebola
Opening party:April 24 at 06pm
Patented until: May 31, 2024
Location: LAC – Laboratório de Actividades Criativas
Price: Free Entry
Ricardo Rebola was born in Coimbra 49 years ago. And it was through the representation of his city – from the University Tower to the banks of the Mondego – that he first expressed his passion for drawing and for the world of art, creating a series of technical exercises to perfect it.
Having studied art (ceramics) and, at APCC – Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra (Cerebral Palsy Association of Coimbra), she found her true vocation in plastic expression workshops. In recent years, he has developed a vast body of work, included in various projects promoted by the Association, focused on the human figure, still lifes and landscapes. It is above all in the latter that one most easily discovers Ricardo Rebola the artist: influenced by the Impressionists, he exalts color through pointillist movements and short brushstrokes, chromatic explosions made of pure emotion. Ricardo Rebola paints with the naturalness with which others write, so his gestures when creating are the mirror of his sensations.
More recently, he has deepened his eccentric ability to use pastel, taking exaggeration as a distinctive feature and changing the exact appearance of reality, often surprising with this plasticity. He maintains a capacity for self-criticism that allows him to become more involved with his work – “I don’t even know how I’m able to do this, I’m an artist!” he says at times – confirming that this is not just a skill, a mechanical reflex or a mere imitation, but his identity.