ARTURb 2024 Guided Tours Dates: September 28, October 19 and 26 Time: from 10am to 1pm Location: LAC - Laboratório de Actividades Criativas Price: 10€ p/person (includes ARTURb passport +…
DECENTRA- LIZE Initially installed in the epicentre of the country - Terreiro do Paço - under the motto DECENTRALIZE, the banners of this group of artists now travel 302km south…
We talked with PRALAC Artists in Residency (LAC's Artistic Residency Program) who told us about their work, processes, artistic practices and their experience. We then share an interview with artist…
ARTURb 2024 > Guest Artists > Tymon de Laat (NL) Tymon de Laat finds the fuel for his art in the streets of his hometown, Rotterdam, to which he feels…
Collective Exhibition “UNIÕES. DE FACTO”Openind party: September 14 at 06pmPatente: until October 05, 2024Horário: tuesday to saturday, from 11am until 01pm and from 02pm until 06pmLocal: ªSede, Rua São Roque…
ARTURb 2024 > Guest Artists > Nuno Alecrim (PT) With a degree in graphic communication design, Nuno Alecrim has been exploring the visual arts with the knowledge and techniques he…
ARTURb 2024 > Guest Artists > Fedor (PT) Fedor is an artist from Porto, where he currently lives and where he does most of his creative work, which focuses mainly…
Mural in homage to Nuno Júdice, by BIGOD Date: September 18 until 21, 2024Location: Escola Básica José Sobral, Mexilhoeira Grande, PortimãoSponsor: Junta de Freguesia de Mexilhoeira Grande João Domingos, artistically…
ARTURb 2024 > Guest Artists > Eric Ve (DE) Eric Ventker, born in 1995 in Wuppertal, Germany, has been immersed in the world of art from a young age, influenced…
ARTURb 2024 > Guest Artists > Dodici (IT) Dodici is an Italian illustrator who has made Rotterdam his home, drawn to the Netherlands for personal and professional reasons. Known for…